we are all about the diy trend these days. basically, i got tired of searching for that perfect photo prop when i could just attempt to make my own. i am a lot of things. crafty not being one of them.
and without further ado...i present to you our version of the "chalkboard prop"
step one: i picked up this piece of hardboard at my local home depot. i had no idea what hardboard was. rey was the one that told me what to say. i approached the first employee i saw and asked them to point me in the direction of their hardboard collection. lucky for me they knew what i was talking about. if not i would of had to explain to them what hardboard was. "you know, it's a piece of board. it's hard. and it square. you know?"
step two: i purchased these fancy frames at michaels. you will need two of these to make sure the framing will be sturdy enough. i also picked up a can of antique gold spray paint and chalkboard spray paint while i was there. when purchasing spray paint from michaels they call for back up and bring a key and call a manager and come unlock the safe where all the spray paint is stored. long story short. if they make you feel like a criminal it's perfectly normal.
step three: spray paint your hardboard with chalkboard paint.

step four: spray paint away! once dry nail both frames together. i did this at night and ended up with roughly 398 mosquito bites.
step five: sit back and admire your work. you are on your way to being a diy'n machine.
here is the final result used in one of our weddings from over the weekend. i also think this would be cute used as a menu for the upcoming holidays!
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